Friday, July 27, 2007

Astronauts caught drunk on "wheels".Jay has a new story

A story from CNN tells us that astronauts from Cape Canaveral were allowed to fly although flight surgeons and other astronauts warned they were so drunk they posed a flight-safety risk on at least two occasions.
Also a NASA official confirmed that evidence of alcohol use by astronauts before launch were found and informed us that NASA is preparing a press conference today.

CNN quoting The Aviation Week reveals that the "report doesn't make clear when the alleged incidents occurred, nor does it say whether the intoxication involved crew members who have no role in flying the shuttle or whether it was the pilot and commander."


And a last minute news tell us that the astronauts in question blamed their personal assistants and booked an appearance to Jay Leno's The Tonight Show. Jay also called Neil Armstrong , Yuri Gagarin and James Lovell Jr. just in case NASA astronauts are retained by problems.

On the other hand this is not a nice story for America's children.
They already had a shock with Lindsay and now this...
Come on people....

Dina Lohan stands for her daughter

Dina Lohan , known by you as Lindsay Lohan's mother , sent an e-mail to Access Hollywood and expressed her disappointment with Jay Leno's last show. Lindsay was supposed to appear on "The Tonight Show" just a few hours after she was detained by police. Instead Rob Schneider appeared , dressed up like the actress , and they made fun of her.

Quoting from Dina:"We have a great respect for Jay Leno but we are disappointed in the path he chose to allow a guest to make light of a very serious situation concerning Lindsay. This is a very personal and private matter and our only concern is to get Lindsay the help that she needs."

I guess Leno freaked out and wet his pants after reading this e-mail.
I can only say this :" Way to go Jay! Nice show!"
If you missed it you missed a great show. Rob was hilarious!!!

To Mrs Lohan : This matter was not "a very personal and private matter" , it was America's matter since it was all over the news. My advice is to stay low , and get some advices from Paris Hilton. You really need some...

Enjoy this little video and see what you've lost:

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Harry Potter makes himself a special gift...

Harry Potter makes himself a special gift on his 18th aniversary. According to Daily Star Daniel Radcliffe hired Madame Tussauds sculptors to make a waxwork of him naked. They will recreate his nude pose from "Equus" and it will cost the little wizard around 150.000 pounds.
This shouldn't be a problem for Britain's richest teenager and his fortune around 23 mil pounds.

This sculpture is a gift to himself , will be made by a team of 20 experts and it wont be shown public.

A spokesman said: “You would be surprised at how many people ask for naked models of themselves. Many are celebs. It’s the perfect way to celebrate a special birthday.”

If you ask me this guy is starting to develop a little cult of personality. The next steps are buying a little island and install himself as King of all Wizards...

The old excuse is gone...

The March issue of Health Magazine destroy old woman excuse: " Not tonight darling, i have a headache!".

Dr. Vincent Martin explains that seratonin nerves in the brain are less active during a migraine attack. And that we have to boost their activity in order to get rid of the pain. And for boosting their activity he have to have sex.

But , according to the doctor Martin ,"the orgasm itself releases seratonin and activates pathways that might get rid of a migraine attack. So you probably have to have the orgasm."

So the conclusion is : "If you have a headache make sex!".

I will personally post this doctor's article all over the house...
CNN gives us a story about Oscar, a cat that smells dead. - "His accuracy, observed in 25 cases, has led the staff to call family members once he has chosen someone. It usually means the patient has less than four hours to live."

Well the prophets were right. The New Messiah has come...

He is a cat and you can find him in Providence , Rhode Island.

Frankly i expected a lot more from CNN.
Lindsay Lohan claims she is innocent. Real slowly she is becoming the new Britney Spears. I can barely wait the time when she will cut her hair off.

God Bless America!

From Autoblog i present you a car. The kind of "family" car. And this kind of "family":

2007 Maserati GranTurismo

Tony Parker is "surprised" and "shocked" about fixing scandal , probably the biggest in NBA history.

Well to be honest my wife was "desperate" after some big loosing bets last season. And , unfortunately , i received all the "congrats".

He only cashed in his check and checked Eva.

Speaking of Eva , enjoy:

According to this politicians consider P2P a threat to national security. I am patiently waiting the day when they will consider instant messaging a threat. Probably Osama will send some dangerous mass messages...

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I saw an angel...

The most stupid song in the world...


The title of this humble blog is a quote from Al Bundy. If you bear reading my crap you will see more of these quotes. This is meant to keep my thoughts , share my thoughts , hear your thoughts. I will also try to entertain you while we are doing these things.

Let the show begin!