Friday, July 27, 2007

Dina Lohan stands for her daughter

Dina Lohan , known by you as Lindsay Lohan's mother , sent an e-mail to Access Hollywood and expressed her disappointment with Jay Leno's last show. Lindsay was supposed to appear on "The Tonight Show" just a few hours after she was detained by police. Instead Rob Schneider appeared , dressed up like the actress , and they made fun of her.

Quoting from Dina:"We have a great respect for Jay Leno but we are disappointed in the path he chose to allow a guest to make light of a very serious situation concerning Lindsay. This is a very personal and private matter and our only concern is to get Lindsay the help that she needs."

I guess Leno freaked out and wet his pants after reading this e-mail.
I can only say this :" Way to go Jay! Nice show!"
If you missed it you missed a great show. Rob was hilarious!!!

To Mrs Lohan : This matter was not "a very personal and private matter" , it was America's matter since it was all over the news. My advice is to stay low , and get some advices from Paris Hilton. You really need some...

Enjoy this little video and see what you've lost:

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