Friday, July 27, 2007

Astronauts caught drunk on "wheels".Jay has a new story

A story from CNN tells us that astronauts from Cape Canaveral were allowed to fly although flight surgeons and other astronauts warned they were so drunk they posed a flight-safety risk on at least two occasions.
Also a NASA official confirmed that evidence of alcohol use by astronauts before launch were found and informed us that NASA is preparing a press conference today.

CNN quoting The Aviation Week reveals that the "report doesn't make clear when the alleged incidents occurred, nor does it say whether the intoxication involved crew members who have no role in flying the shuttle or whether it was the pilot and commander."


And a last minute news tell us that the astronauts in question blamed their personal assistants and booked an appearance to Jay Leno's The Tonight Show. Jay also called Neil Armstrong , Yuri Gagarin and James Lovell Jr. just in case NASA astronauts are retained by problems.

On the other hand this is not a nice story for America's children.
They already had a shock with Lindsay and now this...
Come on people....

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